A Christian baptism that is by “fire”

Read about a baptism by “fire” that calls us Christians to belong to Jesus as our all-in-all, second-to-none, with persecution.

A Christian baptism that is by “fire”

The Good News of God’s Kingdom

A call to holiness *

John baptized by water as a public symbol of repentance but foretold that Jesus’ baptism would be: “by the Holy Spirit and fire,” symbolic of cleansing for the inner self, setting us apart for God’s purposes known as “sanctification” or “holiness,” separating us from the world, empowering us to embrace the high calling to Christian discipleship, etc., with the Holy Spirit to help us on the pathway to perfection. This Christian dynamic is generally referred to as “death” to sin, self and the world and alive to Christ Jesus who is our “life.” Note well that where baptism by water symbolizes this same dynamic, its merits are to be affirmed even though it is not the focus of this article.

Jesus also used the metaphor of “fire” when he said: “I came to set fire on Earth and I long for it to be kindled.” This, as above, symbolizes the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of God’s people but with added urgency. May Christians understand the importance of receiving a baptism by “fire.”

One such baptism of great importance would be to burn, abolish or otherwise cancel all contracts, partnerships and agreements with the Satanic world order and its subsidiaries. Those unholy alliances cause entanglement, compromise, duplicity, defilement and apostasy. They also perpetuate Satan’s worldwide, Christ-contrary [anti-Christ] regime, where so-called “Christian” nations resemble Sodom and Gomorrah. This is a grave problem. Is there a remedy? Yes — the baptism by “fire” depicted in this article. Unfortunately, for that remedy we will suffer persecution and tribulation and be hated by all nations, as Jesus said, similar to the First Christians.

However, a glorious result of this baptism is that the world will know that we are God’s people: a special, holy, Christian nation united in brotherly love and belonging to Christ Jesus as our rightful President, sole Sovereign and Lord paramount (formerly called “King”) forsaking all others. The Father’s will is that everything be gathered under Jesus’ paramount Lordship and that he be our all-in-all, second-to-none. There, beginning in our hearts, is the “Kingdom of Heaven.”

May this Gospel of the Kingdom be preached in all the world, and may the whole Earth be full of Jesus’ glory!                                                                                                              ##

PS: See a companion video: “Who should have the High and Holy Office?” at:

PPS: A free-of-charge, self-publishing Christian passport is available online at:

* “Without holiness no-one will see the Lord.”


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How to become a Christian (step 2)

Wed Jul 13 , 2022
Jesus is our number-one President, forsaking all others.

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