Christians are not of this evil world, October update

Dear friends of a 2nd Christian Reformation,

This is our annual 31 October update as we countdown to the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the 1st Christian Reformation (1517-2017 A.D.).

Years ago we told the Argentine government that their new D.N.I. (internal passport) is not acceptable for Christians. Three months ago our U.S. Passports expired. Consequently, God helped us to create and to tender Christian passports for each of our family members. The exchange was cordial, but unreceptive. Today (22 Oct 2012) at our 3-month paperwork-renewal-formalities the officials told us that Christian passports are not valid. We told them that if any passports are not valid, it would certainly be the passports issued by the Pirates on the Potomac and cited examples of Washington’s war crimes, high crimes, torture prisons, death squadrons, crimes against the Constitution, crimes against humanity, crimes against Due Process, etc.

We left on the table all the paperwork that belonged to the Argentine government and assured them that the Christian passports are valid and urged them to make room for God’s people, by changing the laws if necessary. We said Good-bye, gave them a copy of the Apocalyptic Brochure and walked away.

Incidentally, the Apocalyptic Brochure is our primary proof document which, God willing, we hope to present in 6 languages in Wittenberg, Germany.

Years ago a well-placed source said that we may be thrown out of Argentina. The thorny issue is, as Jesus said, “We do not belong to this [evil] world.” It is time for Christians to separate from God’s enemies including the pirate governments of the Western World which we also have done.

For a full explanation please see our Companion to the Christian passport, which we refer to endearingly as the “Apocalyptic brochure”. We urge Christians world-wide to get on God’s side of the line separating him from the anti-Christ governments and their nations. All of them are administering the Mark of the Beast onto their inhabitants in their own way and in their own style, etc. We sincerely hope that these issues of Jesus’ Lordship are not foreign to your Christian pilgrimage.

The secret of God’s will in all of this Paul expressed in this paraphrase: “In time all things will be brought together under Jesus’ Lordship,” and in Jesus words, “Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant (including nations) will be uprooted.” This is that time and we are flowing, amid great tribulation, with the urgent business of the Holy Spirit in a world full of pirates, usurpers and double agents.

Sincerely, Gary and Vickie


P.S. L’Abri is preparing an update of other recent developments of more general interest. Please look for it soon.


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Kingdom of Heaven vs. Kingdom of Mammon

Tue Apr 30 , 2013
An e-mail to the Brethren at Embassy of Heaven regarding their passport fee.

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