Foreseeable Visit to USA in 2020

Date: 14 September 2010

Dear Brother Victor,

Thank you for your e-mails and for your well-researched web site. If it occurs to you the wisdom that occurred to us to separate from the anti-Christ seated in Washington DC, we urge you to do so, in whatever way the Lord may lead you. If we could be of help we are at your service. We foresee the possibility of returning to the United States briefly in a 400 year solemn commemoration & re-enactment of the 1620 arrival of the Christian Pilgrims and Separatists to Plymouth Rock, fleeing persecution of Christians in Europe. We foresee calling God’s people, those who are procrastinating, to separate themselves from the anti-Christ authority, seated in Washington DC and likewise, “Let my people go.” If you are still persevering in that country at that event we would love to meet you, in November of 2020.

We see Jesus as a King who became a Savior and not as a Savior only and therefore our prayer is that his Kingdom be within us, his people, his Church bought with his blood, and not only in a setting in the future; please refer to Luke 17:21.

May Jesus be the Savior and Lord of his Church and may his Church come out from among his enemies. Truly his Church cannot serve both Jesus the Temple Cleanser and Jesus Incorporated which is a d.b.a. of the anti-Christ.

We greet you from great tribulation.

Love, Gary and Vickie Spaulding


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Litmus test of totalitarianism

Tue Oct 26 , 2010
Among our God-given rights, the liberty to say yes is only legitimate if you also have the right to say no.

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