Massacre in Iraq by Washington DC’s terrorists

One of my students brought to our attention a detestable event that took place in Iraq which was videoed and is now being shown on Argentine national television…

To: Friends of a Second Christian Reformation, 1517 – 2017
From: Gary and Vickie SPAULDING
Date: 27 April 2010
Re: Massacre in Iraq by Washington DC’s terrorists

One of my students brought to our attention a detestable event that took place in Iraq which was videoed and is now being shown on Argentine national television, of United States terrorists, authorized and upheld by Washington, executing civilians at a street corner in Iraq. Further pain is incurred upon me personally in that the massacre occurred 3 years ago on my birthday, 12 July 2007. You can find the clip at the following address, provided as a link: .

I admonish all believers who refuse to see the anti-Christ behind Washington DC’s mask and who continue financing him and having contractual intercourse with him, that you stop, separate from his kingdom, and take no part in this or any evil, whatever form it takes. Failure to do so leaves serious blood-guilt on those who delight in, finance, or otherwise enable this evil.

May Jesus’ Lordship prevail so that God’s will can be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Gary and Vickie


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Injunction – Spaulding vs. Puente, et. al.

Tue May 25 , 2010
The right of the Christian child to be homeschooled is under attack in Argentina. This is part of the War against the Saints, but the angels helped us by stopping the mail and returning the package of interdicted documents to us. P.T.L!

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