Remember Lot’s wife


To: 1) Christian leaders in the USA; 2) conference, Des Moines, Iowa
From: Gary, root surgeon
Date: 1 November 2015

Subject 1: “Remember Lot’s wife … flee from Sodom & Gomorrah … don’t look back!”
Subject 2: Root-level Christian Reformation

Brethren, greetings in Jesus’ name! We are calling God’s people to separate from the nations of the Satanic world order, as we have also done amid great tribulation, see: Notice of Expulsion from Argentina.

The first false arrest i suffered was for doing a Jesus outreach in 1983 to the students at my alma mater school, Brandywine High School in Niles, Michigan, the town of my birth. After many false arrests and arrest threats for a variety of public outreaches at fairs, festivals, public sidewalks, abortion facilities, etc., we undertook a humanitarian convoy to the families at the Mount Carmel Concentration Camp in 1993, now known worldwide as the “Waco massacre.” The FBI falsely arrested me & my Christian helper and put us in jail. See, if you please, the photo of me under arrest by the FBI at: Humanitarian Convoy Arrested . Three days later Washington’s death squadron incinerated those who didn’t flee or those who were unsuccessful in fleeing. You certainly have seen the FLIR footage of machine-gunning of anyone attempting to flee at the rear of the complex and Washington’s incendiary rounds found in the rubble and reported by Dan Rather [national news anchorman]. I am omitting many details, but the more complete story is available on our website at: CBS Sixty Minutes II with Dan Rather.

In 1996 and 1997 i served as chairman for the Third Continental Congress, seeking a peaceful resolution to Washington’s crimes, which was in response to an inspiration expressed by Gordon Kahl prior to being axe-murdered in 1983 for taxes Americans don’t owe, are against Christian conscience, etc.

Omitting many details, the police trespassed upon our family farm in South Bend, Indiana to steal our children, that being in May of 2002, because we “had been to Waco.” We sought political asylum in various European countries but none would stand against the excesses of Washington, so instead of helping us we were expelled from Europe and are now sheltering in a mountain forest in Argentina. It was in Andorra that the police indicted us as though we were a “threat to national security,” quoting a statement by the FBI. See: Andorran Police : You are “a risk to National Security” .

Before leaving Europe we hand-delivered an indictment against Washington to the War Crimes Tribunal in Den Haag. It was deemed “undeliverable” to protect Washington’s terrorism, excesses, massacres, etc., and a compounding threat to international security. Shortly before our passports with Washington expired we divorced the Pirates on the Potomac and burned those passports, see: Unilateral Divorce Decree . This is similar to what Martin Luther had to do regarding the government of the Satanic world order of his day, on 10 December, 1520. A more detailed rendering of these events is provided in “A letter to the photographer.”

We are now helping Christians to separate from legal personhood status with the nations of the Satanic world order, which is at the root of the status known as “citizenship.” We cannot be one body with Christ and with the anti-Christ at the same time. This tension is expertly pointed out in Brother James White’s headline: “Christians: You must deny the Lordship of Christ. It is the price of citizenship in this secular [God-hostile] nation,” see: []. A symbol of Jesus’ paramount Lordship over us and our family is the free-of charge, self-publishing Christian passport, adaptable to any language and available to everyone free-of-charge via our website: []. With the Christian passport we assert our Heavenly citizenship to the world.

My primary speech focusing on reestablishing the Christian faith that existed before the great Apostasy and Jesus’ most sublime Lordship is entitled “A concise sketch of the 21st century Christian’s paradigm in a Western World dominated by pirates, usurpers and double-agents.” It is available in the four major languages of my expertise.

In closing, Brethren, we as God’s people must separate from the nations of the Satanic world order and take refuge under Jesus’ wings, because “Our citizenship is in Heaven!” If not, he continues to cry over Jerusalem to this day.



P.S. The greatest gift and answer to prayer of my Christian life is featured in a Public Notice/Press release.


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Allodial land

Sat Jul 23 , 2016
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