Truth under fire

In a world dominated by pirates, those who live by the truth are demonized. The following individuals are in that number. To them and to all inhabitants on the planet we propose a God-based solution.

If you know how to reach any of the following, we would appreciate it if you could forward this message directly to them: Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Thomas Drake,

To: Men and Women who risk their lives for revealing truth
From: Gary and Vickie and 5 children in preventive exile for God’s truth
Date: 28 July 2013

Subject: The free-of-charge Christian passport as God’s way of escape from pirates and their anti-Christ nations

Greetings from South America. May God bless your heroic efforts!

Allow me to draw your attention to a solution God revealed to us after we were maligned, rejected and expelled by many nations and denied our right of asylum even though our account of persecution against our Christian family exceeds the requirements set by the Asylum Manual. Subsequently, more than a year ago we divorced the Pirates on the Potomac (Washington, USA) and including all pirate and Christ-eliminating nations of the world and tendered a Christian passport, thereby asserting Jesus’ paramount Lordship over his nation and certifying our citizenship and loyalty to it. Under King Jesus’ care and keeping we now live and die for him, as he lived and died for us.

For further explanations see the following postings on our website, including a self-publishing model of the free-of-charge Christian passport:


May God help you to find a way of escape in a world aligned against de jure authority, against Constitutional authority, against truth and against Jesus’ Lordship.

Love, Gary and Vickie


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Primary Reference Points for the Apocalyptic Era

Fri Aug 9 , 2013
Every day our family makes a stream of decisions based on a set of Christ-centered reference points and criteria that are foreign, foolish or taboo to most Christian leaders of the Western World.

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